Basics 0.2.6 — an HTML5 Boilerplate 2 update and more

I began to sleep on the version 0.2.5  of my theme WordPress Basics when the new HTML5 Boilerplate 2 raised in the middle of August. This new version of HTML5 Boilerplate brings many changes. The most important is maybe the replacement of the CSS reset by a “simple” redefinition of HTML tags with normalize.css created first by Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal.

Basics 0.2.6 takes into account the various changes introduced by HTML5 boilerplate 2 with the update of HTML code, CSS files, JavaScript libraries:

  • Update some parts of HTML code in header.php and footer.php files,
  • Include normalize.css in normalize.css (formerly reset.css), and tools.css (non semantic classes),
  • Updated versions of jQuery and Modernizr (I’ve kept DD_BelatedPNG I just in case).
  • Remove redondants CSS properties between normalize.css and markup.css.

Also, I took the opportunity to provide an update to the function basics_description (): shortcodes do not appear “as is” anymore when used early in the article. Thanks to Thomas Patin who alerted me to this subject and provided the line of code I’ve  inserted into the function to make the things works.

After activating `WP_DEBUG` mode, I’ve cleaned up the PHP code to avoid errors, warnings or notices in the PHP, especially in the basics_respond() function and within the comments.php file. One step further to make Basics compliant with the Repositery’s guidelines of’s Themes!

The complete Changelog for Basics 0.2.6

  1. Change version number for stylesheet call : ?v=0.2.6″ [header.php]
  2. Change HTML markup to match changes in H5BP 2.0 [header.php] [footer.php]
  3. Change [reset.css ] and [tool.css] to match changes in H5BP 2.0
  4. Minor change on comments {author.css]
  5. Update /js/libs for jQuery and Modernizr (DD_belatedpng is always here for compatibility purposes)
  6. Prevent shortcode to appear “as is” in the meta description in basics_description() [functions.php] Thanks to Thomas Patin (
  7. turn margin-left: 0 into padding-left: 0 [author.css line 359]
  8. change line-height value in [reset.css line 11] : old: 1.231 – new : 1.5
  9. Rename reset.css to normalize.css and change @import reset.css to normalize.css [markup.css]
  10. Remove font-size: 100% in markup.css (already set in normalize.css)
  11. font-family, font-size, line-height and color property are now set in css/normalize.css only instead of beeing set twice in markup.css
  12. Remove conditional comments for IE wrapping the meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible”
  13. Define variables $aria_req and $post_id in basics_respond() [functions.php]
  14. Remove $new_defaults in comment_form() call [comments.php]
  15. Put together script calls within conditionnal comments for lt IE 7 [footer.php]